30 June 2011

Last June week, normal mid-week day

A hot Wednesday day followed by a cool night. It was 105 outside my office, in the sun on the ledge.  Cool enough not to use air-conditioners at night.

Went to the garden after work - planted some cucumber seeds in the central area at Azalea.  Weeded around the two bean rows, the north side of the corn next to the squash; and north east corner boarders where flowers were being overwhelmed by weeds. Was there about 1.5 hours - the Muslim family was there as well as the woman in the plot east eat of us.  Not very hot.

More Urdufest from noon on - learning how to make markers, which were put in on Panel 1 before starting to export it - then came back at four and it was done finally - moved a copy to Kaltura Collab.

Ordered requests, including juggling a DK one with no one wanting to fund it.  Wrote and asked about the Anthro new grad session for Fall. Attended the public service meeting at 3 about Fall public messages, Libra, Alumni databases, pilot public login, and RefWorks - leaving at 4:10 as the meeting dragged on with no new information about RefWorks.

Rich was outside my office finishing up his review of Urdu maps - which he said was in Sindhi, dated 1889, and nicely covered with plastic like coating.  He said - definitely keep for a treasure of anyone doing 19th century north west India (became Pakistan).

Watched Netflix "Made in Dagenham" (Ford plant women's strike for equal pay in England, late 1960s). Pretty good. 4 out of 5 stars. Third night of shrimp for me as Deej ate her salmon cakes. Good cuc, carrot, raddishes, celery also, topped off by blueberries on ice cream (with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and malt).

Just a regular day.

29 June 2011

late June 2011

Ah, now we are in to summer.

Lots of weeds grew while we were away at the beach a couple weeks ago.  We both went and weeded some of the garden, late morning on Saturday 25th June 2011, but much needs to be done.  We took a break on Sunday, and I went to the garden after work and tried to clear up some stuff for 1.5 hours - especially around the ochra, then some around the middle flower area and ended up thinning and transplanting some zenias in a circle there.  Weeded and scuffle hoed the remaining unplanted flower border the west side by south and planted more zenias and cosmos.  Cleared some more weeds around some of the flower borders, but weeds are overwhelming some and some flower seeds do not seem to have produced. For the back yard, mowed it Saturday late afternoon and Sunday cleared some vines and pulled them off of bushes around the shed. Deer had come and eaten lotus leaves in Deej's large tub on the north edge - and two of the 3 fishes we had bought recently also died.

That's about plants and yards and stuff.

Back to work on the Urdu Fest on Monday, exporting the Panel 4.  Then Tuesday we met with Phillip T of Shanti and finally got the remaining of 5 videos onto the web.  Still left is Panel 1 - and I still want to know how to save sequences under a new and different name in Final Pro, as also to learn how to insert good cross dissolves or fades.  Disappointingly learned on Tuesday we probably cannot provide navigation to sections in the videos.  Drat.

Learned also Tuesday that others were selected for the upcoming SAS voyages - again drat. Good deal for all the others, though.

Worked on normal library stuff - purchase requests, double monthly (May and June) report, etc. as well as searched for Walter on confirming where Bharauli, Ujiyar, and Narainpur were located where SSS traveled to in 1908.

Made shrimp supper Sunday night, and continue to eat it, as Deej made her own salmon cakes and are eating those. Monday night's new 10-grain loaf mix was huge, and we had no large plastic bag to store it, until Deej got some more bags after her dentist appointment Tuesday.

Discovered and skimmed through a wonderful little book on Joseph Stein (Innocent Abroad) - wrote David S about it including some pages from the book in pdf - wish I could locate the 2001 India video on him.  I'm also plowing through Cyberabad - a dull, narrative only story / chapter by a genetically enhanced Vishnu kid.  Also read a little more of Auel's Children at lunch.

We've got some rain (1/3 inch) a couple times in the last 4 days.