Planted 2 hills of zuchinni and 2 hills of burbleess cucumber after weeding the south fence edge with the scuffle hoe, also on all three paths between the two rows of okra. And then watered them. Picked cosmos, zenia, and marigolds - one green and one yellow squash, and a few hot peppers. In about 1 hour from 7:30 to 8:30. Light work compared to yesterday. Two young couples were around working.
The garden weeding was after work, after we had gone to get Sam's gas ($2.97 a gallon, and 13 gallons) in Deej's car, and the at the pet store - Jado cat food cans, dry food, and kitty litter - the last bag of kitty litter was horrible - clumped and hard to clean. Then, after the garden, I came home to a nice meal Deej had prepared of shrimp, a wonderful okra dish, fresh cucumber and hot peppers, plus desert of her peach cobbler with some ice cream.
We had a nice lunch (Tuesday) with Kathy at the Corner (No. 3 restaurant) - she leaves tomorrow. Demonstrated Facebook, before Kathy went with Deej over to special collection. Highlight of work - re-estimating the number of pamphlets of cataloging - probably more around 2500 instead of my initial 1200 I had made months ago.
Yesterday (Monday 16th July) I went by myself, leaving an hour early, to weed at the garden, from about 5:30 to 7:30. Boy, was that hard. But needed, and a lot easier with the two showers on the weekend that totaled about 1 inch, and soften the soil, for it's hard rockness because of the drought during the past 3 weeks. Mostly pulled grass along the east edge where there are some gladiolas. And then planted some seeds which I had had soaking for 2 nights - 3 hills of pumpkins, plus 4 or 5 watermelon seeds along the eastern fence and on the cucumber cage, and then three places along the middle part of the west, north, and east fence. But the main seeds I planted were flower seeds along rows in the east fence rows - 3 type of cosmoses and marigolds. Also did an L of okra in the northeast corner. Two Mexicans were can watering in a garden to the east, the truck guy to the west was there when I fist came, and an lady drove in to her garden to the east, and the Pakistani lady was working her garden to the west up by the basketball court - her little daughter playing around their van.
We'll see if anything comes of those seed plantings so late in the season.
Here are some photos, taken from the north side for a change (see above)
Three orange cosmos - blazing away
The okra / zucchini hills and the row of planted flowers

The recent history of the garden? after the April and May tillings and plantings on weekends, we went to the beach the first week in June and weeds grew. And we spent considerable time weeding corn, peppers, tomatos, okra - and placing newspapers over some weeded areas. We did get some onions, and started to get beans. In early July we mowed the higher grass in the central path and the eastern edge, but then we hit a dry three weeks and could not pull any more weeds, nor scuffle hoe - it was way too hard. We started to get cucumbers by mid July, and peppers, more beans, dug the small potato area, tented the kale, picking zennias and marigolds. We watered during the weekends, including last Saturday, before we got almost an inch shower. And then Monday and Tuesday (above) I weeded and did some planting. We sprayed some oil on the corn tassels. Still to come is corn and tomatoes - and those may come at the wrong time - while we are away all next week in Seattle for the WOSA reunion, sailing, a day trip to the Victoria, Canada gardens, etc.
Saturday we bbqed vegetables and hamburger, finished cooking them just in time as the shower arrived. I had mowed the back yard also.
Sunday I bought metal stakes and put up a little fence around the back yard blue berry bushes and the corn / bean / squash hills - the shower that evening came before I was done, so I worked in a nice 10-minute natural rain shower. By then Kathy H had arrived. I showered and we went and had a nice meal at Sticks. Kathy showed some really fantastic photos of cicadas, grasshoppers, spiders, frogs, insects which her colleague (Piter?) had taken in May when they had a month in Mozambique with EO Wilson.
That's it - a story of weeding, planting, fencing, picking, showers, Kathy's visit - - - -
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Monday's garden, viewed from the north side |
We had a nice lunch (Tuesday) with Kathy at the Corner (No. 3 restaurant) - she leaves tomorrow. Demonstrated Facebook, before Kathy went with Deej over to special collection. Highlight of work - re-estimating the number of pamphlets of cataloging - probably more around 2500 instead of my initial 1200 I had made months ago.
Yesterday (Monday 16th July) I went by myself, leaving an hour early, to weed at the garden, from about 5:30 to 7:30. Boy, was that hard. But needed, and a lot easier with the two showers on the weekend that totaled about 1 inch, and soften the soil, for it's hard rockness because of the drought during the past 3 weeks. Mostly pulled grass along the east edge where there are some gladiolas. And then planted some seeds which I had had soaking for 2 nights - 3 hills of pumpkins, plus 4 or 5 watermelon seeds along the eastern fence and on the cucumber cage, and then three places along the middle part of the west, north, and east fence. But the main seeds I planted were flower seeds along rows in the east fence rows - 3 type of cosmoses and marigolds. Also did an L of okra in the northeast corner. Two Mexicans were can watering in a garden to the east, the truck guy to the west was there when I fist came, and an lady drove in to her garden to the east, and the Pakistani lady was working her garden to the west up by the basketball court - her little daughter playing around their van.
We'll see if anything comes of those seed plantings so late in the season.
Here are some photos, taken from the north side for a change (see above)
Three orange cosmos - blazing away

The okra / zucchini hills and the row of planted flowers

The recent history of the garden? after the April and May tillings and plantings on weekends, we went to the beach the first week in June and weeds grew. And we spent considerable time weeding corn, peppers, tomatos, okra - and placing newspapers over some weeded areas. We did get some onions, and started to get beans. In early July we mowed the higher grass in the central path and the eastern edge, but then we hit a dry three weeks and could not pull any more weeds, nor scuffle hoe - it was way too hard. We started to get cucumbers by mid July, and peppers, more beans, dug the small potato area, tented the kale, picking zennias and marigolds. We watered during the weekends, including last Saturday, before we got almost an inch shower. And then Monday and Tuesday (above) I weeded and did some planting. We sprayed some oil on the corn tassels. Still to come is corn and tomatoes - and those may come at the wrong time - while we are away all next week in Seattle for the WOSA reunion, sailing, a day trip to the Victoria, Canada gardens, etc.
Saturday we bbqed vegetables and hamburger, finished cooking them just in time as the shower arrived. I had mowed the back yard also.
Sunday I bought metal stakes and put up a little fence around the back yard blue berry bushes and the corn / bean / squash hills - the shower that evening came before I was done, so I worked in a nice 10-minute natural rain shower. By then Kathy H had arrived. I showered and we went and had a nice meal at Sticks. Kathy showed some really fantastic photos of cicadas, grasshoppers, spiders, frogs, insects which her colleague (Piter?) had taken in May when they had a month in Mozambique with EO Wilson.
That's it - a story of weeding, planting, fencing, picking, showers, Kathy's visit - - - -