30 May 2019. Thurs. Not much happened today. The car ran smoothly and I parked closer in, since less people around right now, and more parking spaces. Normal lunch. Struggling to get my boss to get me a replacement I-Pad, which died 2 days ago. Deej went to the garden this afternoon and watered withering potatoes, struggling small pepper, and reported bean and corn seeds are sprouting. Asking Jim and Margo about places we are being offered to stay in Mussoorie.
29 May 2019. Wed. Took the Dodge Diplomat in for oil change. The red oil light had been coming on and off for 2 weeks now. Deej took me all the way to the Rotunda, but I barely got a bus and walked to my Grady normal bus stop where she picked me up. Deej made delicious lamb kabobs - Arooq- with potato and beens. Got my last of my laundry done - about 15 long-sleeve shirts, even though my late, late collecting them from the dryer and putting them on hangers disturbed Deej's sleep. Copied most Hauser fest folks in on a Google Photo collection of photos.
28 May 2019. My I-Pad refused to come on, even after long charging plug in. Good Uday reply about India trip.
29 May 2019. Wed. Took the Dodge Diplomat in for oil change. The red oil light had been coming on and off for 2 weeks now. Deej took me all the way to the Rotunda, but I barely got a bus and walked to my Grady normal bus stop where she picked me up. Deej made delicious lamb kabobs - Arooq- with potato and beens. Got my last of my laundry done - about 15 long-sleeve shirts, even though my late, late collecting them from the dryer and putting them on hangers disturbed Deej's sleep. Copied most Hauser fest folks in on a Google Photo collection of photos.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/BF5PHx9yi7Pcuc8fA I wonder what year in the distant future will that URL die?
28 May 2019. My I-Pad refused to come on, even after long charging plug in. Good Uday reply about India trip.