The Montalto 3rd Heritage Harvest Festival attracted a large number of cars, people for a great variety of talks, workshops, events, stalls, food, tastings. This year it was on Brown's mountain, just a across the road from Monticello. Deej went up around 10:30 am and said it was packed, crowded, but good with lots of apple, cheese and other tastings. She came back to get me, so we could go up and go on the 1:45 pm tour that Peter Hatch gave.
He did a fantastic job - talking first about Montalto's history and plans about it, then walked over and viewed Monticello below, and finally around the back or south part of the mountain where he talked about the vineyards, Thomas Jefferson's failed attempts at farming, etc.

I took some photographs with my new Lumix, and, for the first time, took some video with my new Sony. Don't think I yet know how to use it well. Learning and experimenting.

Last night I went the After Five and a nice crowd there - it is already getting dark, which makes my photographing people not as good.
The work week was normal, with several difficult and different purchase requests for expensive items, which makes it hard with this reduced book budget. Gene, Paul, and Kurtis are trying to figure out exactly what is in the microfiche and microfilm in the Buddhist gift which we retained, and I think expecting more than what is there. I finalized my list of South Asia and Buddhist journals for the Asian Studies Room. Dawn turned over Overseas Acquisitions correspondence and management of those invoices and payments, out of Bud's hands. David G was very good in his 1 hour presentation on Shanti. Deej and I gave an ENWR session Friday for a class on Utilitarian Ethics. Reference work has with the usual requests for searching and discovery for first time users. The Schwartzberg SA Historical Atlas copy in Alderman Ref is missing, and we were almost blamed for that, but the copy we have in the Asian Reading Room is 1978 and not the 1992 one missing from the Ref room.
Re-organized my CD collection - alphabetical, except for groups of Indian, Mali, self-made collections, and audio reading CDs. Some disputes over a few that Deej thinks are hers. Cut down the privets in the back upper yard, and topped off the blackberry bushes. Went and got a few tomatoes and peppers from the garden and weeded the corn there. The smelly dead mouse, which Deej caught and killed in a trap in the pantry, didn't deter the groundhog in the back yard, though we put it on his path under the fence
Some nice photos of Eliza and Okiboji from Julie on Facebook; and Tim's messages. Betty phoned Thursday evening, saying they were not going with Scott to India in late Demember. Kathy sent a new schedule of Rachel's soccer for the next 2.5 months, starting next Saturday.
Well, the Festival and Peter's tour was certainly the high point for this week.
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