Also tis the season of birthdays - mine last Wed, Tim's the next day, and the twins on Sunday. Deej took me to supper and then made a cake Thursday. We took over and left gifts and a card for Tim on Saturday, even though no one was there. Didn't get over to give the twins gifts and cards, though.

My digital classes keep going on - last Thursday we had a nice session at the Bayly Museum. In teams of 4-5, we decided on cataloging schemes for our 7 MesoAmerican art objects - I was the Handler for our group, wearing plastic gloves and carefully lifting and turning the objects. Two schemes were hierarchical and two were serial. This night's (Tuesday 2 March 2010) class focused on Mind as Metaphor with the developer of a web site, Pasanek, at the class for interactive conversation about his work. The dreaded mid-term is coming up.
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