02 April 2020

Monday - Wed 30 March - 1 April 2020

Groceries, walks, zooms, work, repairs, bread.
     Monday's a blur of getting back to work, calling people for clogged sink and heat for dryer repairs, and a walk to the quarry.

New faucet
faucet installed
    Tuesday both repair people came in the early afternoon with the sink guy working for about 1.5 hours and putting in a new single-handle, drip-free faucet. The dyer guy puttered around, took it apart, saw he need thermal heater replacement, put it back together, ran it and the burnt smell permeated the house. After much calling, the we accepted that they would replace the thermal which is on order and might come Thursday. Deej has not decided on a new freezer.

     We also went in the afternoon to pick up my heating mug from the Science and Engineering library and a mailer from Kerchof, the Math Library - was able to do that though nobody around since I had keys. We decided to walk around the Gardens which are spread out on each side of the Rotunda's Lawn, even though it was raining slightly.  Got some nice photos with rain droplets on them Here's the 1 minute 20 seconds video of the flowers https://youtu.be/tiH3tTDJyz8
and the 26 photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/eHztw84d73EhYy5x7

snow drops
Deej with tulips

Philip in the garden
Red petals

While out we also picked up some onions, peas, and a blackberry bush from Southern States.
     Wednesday we set to wake at 6:30 am but pushed it back to 6:50, coffee, and drive to Kroger by 7:20 am for their early morning Elderly hour. Got needed groceries - cookies, yogurt, beer, milk, broth, condensed milk, sliced turkey roast, avacados, bananas, eggs, etc. You know, essentials. Parking lot about 30% less full than usual, not too many elderlies (2 retired librarians), and we were home by 8 am.
        I've been working on several library matters - book and access requests, work zooms (1 hour Wed afternoon with liaisons) and non-work librarian zooms - 1/2 hour each day for our coffee break. Today was show your pet - but our cat Kali was not having anything for me to hold her on my lap and show her - others conversed about dogs, cats, or such. And is there the ashes of a past University professor in the library - where is it and how is it cataloged (everything's got to be cataloged!). I may be working on a project to find subjects for each of 800 India pamphlets (1960s), besides helping my faculty and students for occasional requests. I need to vote for 2 proposed amendments for the South Asia Microfilm Project.
      The work zoom was not as good as it could have been since our host Internet was not too strong, and we had to resort to turning off our videos and muting, until we joined in to say something. We are still fumbling around trying to do our best in this online environment.
       As requested I had tried zooming with my Woodstock Class of 1959 classmate, Chris, who's in Switzerland. We tried it Tuesday afternoon, and then Wed. afternoon.  He can see me fine, though the sound is garbbled - I was never able to hear or see him - just a box with his name on it. His Internet access might be way to slow or/and others are using the Internet at the same time way too much. We will try after the Pandemic - when will that be? 3 months? 7 months? when?
         I did also figure out a good time and zoomed with my daughter Julie in Iowa for about 15 minutes this Wed. evening - catching up on how Iowa school system has still not figured how to connect to students and courses or continue the school year online. It may be over - Lauren's last semester as nursing training may somehow be completed; Eliza's not sure about here schooling; but Matt's still working as usual. Wanted to have Jan and Betty in on the zoom, but Jan's at his daughters for pizza and never got connected to Betty. We'll keep trying.
       Rained some more today.
   Oh, yes - Deej made another loaf of bread Tuesday afternoon.

In the machine

In the machine Done
The wonderful loaf


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