Opps, I'm really not doing well with this every day blog - oh, well.
Unique today? I gave Deej a haircut which she is not happy about, but will accept, and Deej then gave me a haircut, which is fine with me - a much cooler neck. Maybe photos tomorrow if I remember . Also wonderful 2nd day of salmon for supper. And we saw first fire flies of the year this evening after supper. There were bats again outside and the moon is almost full (June 5trh).
At work we had an interesting library zoom about how much access there will be for books in about two weeks - also dealt with a Middle East vendor who sells ebooks, unfortunately UVa has no librarian who reads Arabic - what to do, get Arabic faculty to help us? Finished with one title request for a Braj manuscript; wrote another faculty member to wait until June 10th to figure out access to print books here, scanning, and from other libraries (interlibrary loan though they are closed too).
A little Azalea gardening - mainly weeding. For the 2nd time it looks like our recently planted corn is being eaten and will not grown - yuck, all that work for nothing.
Yesterday answered two flower questions - 1. Kathy asked where are the Kathy's question where are the poppie pollinators ?
and Kathie's question - do you have some photos of the allium I gave you?

Unique today? I gave Deej a haircut which she is not happy about, but will accept, and Deej then gave me a haircut, which is fine with me - a much cooler neck. Maybe photos tomorrow if I remember . Also wonderful 2nd day of salmon for supper. And we saw first fire flies of the year this evening after supper. There were bats again outside and the moon is almost full (June 5trh).
At work we had an interesting library zoom about how much access there will be for books in about two weeks - also dealt with a Middle East vendor who sells ebooks, unfortunately UVa has no librarian who reads Arabic - what to do, get Arabic faculty to help us? Finished with one title request for a Braj manuscript; wrote another faculty member to wait until June 10th to figure out access to print books here, scanning, and from other libraries (interlibrary loan though they are closed too).
A little Azalea gardening - mainly weeding. For the 2nd time it looks like our recently planted corn is being eaten and will not grown - yuck, all that work for nothing.
Yesterday answered two flower questions - 1. Kathy asked where are the Kathy's question where are the poppie pollinators ?
and Kathie's question - do you have some photos of the allium I gave you?

You probably did not notice that Deej had her left eye cataract removed
Monday, and here she is Tuesday seeing all sorts of brightness and
colors she has missed for decades.

On the weekend I had 2 zooms on Saturday, the first with Woodstock Alumni (Diedre's) and the second with my Class of 1959. Then Sunday evening we had a great family/close friends zoom with only 5 of us - got to see Jackie for the first time in years - Marilyn, Arlene, and Julie added to the great conversations.
The biggest bad surprise was that Barbara was taken to a Richmond hospital last Tuesday and went into a coma. Daughter Ginny drove down to see her joined by Woody there also - but they could not actually see Barb until the next day when Barb was able to indicate she knew they were there with a thumbs up. Ginny has kept the family updated. Barb has a sort of recovery on Thursday taken off the respirator, but then had a relapse back on the respirator and with a feeding tube - so we don't know what will happen with these ups and downs. Not good.
I've been scanning some of the family's old photos and putting them in albums. Especially interesting are the ones of the Rughs family whom were were close to in India. There's also a cute one of Barb with her dolls.
In writing and talking with my friends and others such as Sandy, Kathie, Sue, and others I made a list of some of my recent videos and photo albums, which I add below
maybe have a little fun and watch these videos (okay, Kathy’s seen some
back yard 2020 May 28 https://youtu.be/kH9g83Knry0
May 17 https://youtu.be/hLnLJY96qBw
Walk 2020 May early https://youtu.be/Vrnzr4RZyDY
with bandanitos 2020 April 19 https://youtu.be/sm-YIL_ZWks
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