15 January 2021

2021 Day to Day, really?

Written on the 15th Jan 2020.
Item 1: migraine headaches. For some reason, I've had 3 or 4 episodes of migraines in the last month - really debilitating. Have used (expensive) peppermint drops and Ibuprofen one pill, which takes about 5 hours to work. Thought one might be coming on two days ago (13 Jan 2020) so took a pill and by noon there was no small sensation. Whew! 
     2. Took Kali to the Old Dominion vet yesterday because of an infected bite, whole near the back of her back, near her tail. Flushed her wound, shot with antibiotics and a shot of pain killer. Got rabies, distemper vaccine, Leukemia booster. And put on a collar. Kali doesn't like it, and stumbles around, disorientated some, hard to walk without stepping on collar.
    3. We had a lot of rain during the last 2 weeks, 5 inches in one day. 
    4. Working from home, going to Kroger 2-3 times a week; walking daily for 30 or more minutes, mostly around Druid area; Deej does almost all of the cooking, making sure to cook food which won't upset her Crohn's disease. I need often to sneak in tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices, but it is limiting.
    5. Big deal - loosing UVa's hosting my person Legacy website today and haven't figured out where I might put it. ITS was not much help, but we will try one of their hosting suggestions.
    6. I weekly do three zooms - at an hour each. 1. Woodstock alumni noon on Saturdays, which Dierdre set up before she moved to Australia, works fine on its own. 2. Class of 1959 Parker Hall at 1:45 pm Saturday with about 10 people coming for a good time each week. 3, McCalk family and friends, mainly Calkinses at 7:30 pm Sunday. Mostly Arlene, Marilyn, and Margaret are there, plus often Jimmy.  Occasionally Scot joins for a few minutes, or Betty, or Julie.  But hardly no one else of the 25 invited each week. We have a nice friendly, warm time. And 4. every other week the Class of 1960 has a 3:30 pm Saturday zoom and about 13 or so join in that. Jim Rugh sets it up and Carol Rugh makes a fantastic list of discussed topics and people at the zooms.     
    Well, I hope to continue, but need to go see what more I can learn of what I did at work in the past year and see if I can develop my annual report, probably not get it in for today, but we have MLK off on Monday, so extra time to write it up and send it in late on Tuesday,

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