22 March 2021

A log each day! March 2021

Activities. TV. 

On Sunday. 21 March 2021. Got up late. No usual shower since going to  garden. Full brunch - 2 fried eggs, home made coffee, toast with mango jam, 3 strips bacon. Dropped my smaller pill, but found it and took it. Sunny day. Made McCalk zoom invite and sent. Jimmy responded to my email last night of photos of the 1990s Florida Calkins reunion at Betty - thanks for some photos, but they were only or mainly just the Pryors. Set up India 2010 TB Robert's tour group - showed our photo at the Taj and other ones. Shared the Pepperpot photo with Jim R.
Garden mulch
Garden: around 4:15, 7 wheelbarrow loads of mulch on each side of the onions and peas planted last week. knocking off dirt clods of corn. Clear cool (50s) day day. Mexican couple also getting mulch. Mehr stopped by with dog, asking about why she hasn't gotten library titles she requested and needs for conference. At Druid garden, forked the rest of the pepper plot, in about an hour before McCalk Zoom.  
Druid plot for peppers

Supper: Asparagus, potato and shrimp warmed for left over supper. Also got food out for Deej and made ice for her.   
Zoom was fun - Arlene told stories, shared Jimmy's 1990s photos, we tried to help Robert Z figure out the Calkins children's names and their kids and when Margaret and Claude died, etc. 
TV: Mid-Somers Mystery episode, 11-5 
Deej: not feeling well, pains from yesterday's 2nd Covid shot, bed early. on couch most of the day.

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