12 November 2021

Events, logging in - mid Nov 2021

 Events. logging in.

Phone - left it on the bus Wed evening, bus driver sent me an email, picked it up Thursday morning

No ice cream Wed night. Ran out of mango juice Wed too - Deej might get some today (Friday)

Rained hard or 1.5 inches Thursday/Friday

Figured out and doing some scanning, eg Dad's Alzheimer pamphlet trying to make it into a digital book

Solomon last night, egg toasted sandwiches Wed night 

Zooms, zooms, zooms. Disaster art this noon; Damon and Fox's Indonesian and before then Art Hair zooms Thurs night. David Scott's memorial service zoom over a two day period. SA art books zoom too intellectual for me. Lucie's zoom on her Am Indian roots - really good.

Figuring out how to re-connect to order Cairo titles

Tour the Library under construction and then moon over TJ and Rotunda

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