So, this transition from work from home to back to work from on grounds office. A lot of stuff. I'm in a little bit of an argument with my supervisor - when I suggested our University of Virginia might help in configuring our home computers for fast, easy, and safe use, I got back a comment "I would strongly recommend using work equipment for work, and personal equipment for personal tasks."
There's lots I could say back, especially about the fussiness between
work/personal, when you use your home system and monitor to view your
work work laptop. But that can be a huge discussion, which I'm backing
away from.

I try to keep walking daily about 30 or more minutes. It has become a little strange and maybe dangerous since Deej has become ill with severe stomach problems and doesn't always walk with me anymore. Yesterday I was walking in the Sunset Trail and decided to take a little video of Moores Creek as the radio was playing classical river music. The video went fine,I put away my camera, but then I slipped, fell down and hit my left knew and was almost totally wet in the shallow water. I tried to get up, but my balance was horrible from speed walking 25 minutes, and I slipped two more times into the water, until I finally stood up, dizzy. It took another half minute before I carefully walked out of the creek and back onto the path.
Scary though - and Deej and I have discussed how I can safely walk alone - with cell phone and phoning her an estimate of when I will be back home.
Ah, adjustments as one ages.
The Azalea garden is going well, though we have not grown as much as we usually to. 4 rows of corn are coming fine, 2 rows of bush beans are doing well though the heat delayed the flowers turning to seed for a while, our annual glads look well - beautiful yellows and orange so far. Sunflowers in the corners are coming along though the deer seem to like chewing of the tops in the SW corner. Late plantings of okra, cucumber, pole beans, watermelon, and squash are coming along. Tomatoes have some nice green fruit on them. Peppers, hot or mild, are not at all doing well, almost seem like dwarf plants (same with the ones in the back yard). Some recently planted flowers (zenia, cosmos, etc) are coming along. With this drought, I go and water some about every other day. Deej has gone and picked two sets of bush beans, which we've loved.
The back yard is doing okay- the moon flower vines are slowly growing to one foot and some five feet. Vegetables are miserable and have not produced fruit. Lotuses blossomed lovely.
Deer have eaten everywhere: Deej is disappointed with them eating her lilies. The ground hogs (we may have two new teenagers and one about a month old) love the tops of various plants. Flowers doing okay with humming birds enjoying a month of tubular flowers. Birds are all over the bird feeders and around the yard.
We took down the two huge maple trees - front and side yard, giving the roof more sun - enough for solar? The evergreen is limping along, while the dogwood and mulberry (fruited in April/May) are doing well. With the drought, our Pollock creek is very low.
So another summer goes along - we've still not settle on some place for some days at the beach - places are very popular and rare to find and prices have gone up 20-30%. Maybe some beach in late September?
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