13 July 2012

day to day

What if some of these posts are just boring listing of events?

Yesterday (Wed, 11 July 2011) stayed home in the morning as the locksmith came to replace our broken front door lock - replacing the silver one with a working gold one.  He arrived on the dot at 10 as scheduled. Cost $130.

Jado got out and refused to budge from his resting spot underneath the bush on the front west side of the house, so I left him there when I caught the 12:37 pm Route 4 bus in to work.

The User Services meeting was to last from 3:30 to 5, but let out at 4:15 pm after discussions about preparations for the Fall library web site.

I finished up my self-evaluation / annual report and forwarded it on to Anne.

Caught the Route 4 bus home, after waiting almost a half hour for it at the art Studio.  Deej not as lucky - had me drive and get her at the Omni at 5:50 as no Route 4 came.

Ran to the store to get pork, and combined it with a can of beans, bell peppers, onion, garlic, etc for supper.  Froze 3 two-pork chop bags of extra pork.

Today (Thursday) caught bus fine, but very noisy chicken hen house on crowded bus with groups of women talking to each other at the same time. Worked on LC overseas acquisition bill payments (Pakistan, India, Iran, and Cairo/Middle East) and gave them to Buddy on his second last day of work.  We talked with Rose about how to handle stuff after Buddy's gone.

Normal lunch of sandwiches and apple down in staff lounge with Deej.  Worked some on pamphlet listing sets, before going to the 2 pm HumSoc meeting - mainly about departmental goals for the coming year - Services, Collections, Space. Reply about researcher's question on Happiness and the Dalai Lama. Purchase Requests.

Trolley to Studio, Route 6 to 5th / Elliott top of the hill, and walk down and into the back yard by 5:25 pm. Deej got in late around 6 after walking with Rea and husband to catch the 6 at the Salvation Army Cherry Ave bus stop.

Rinse and wash some dishes from crowded sink. Left over pork and beans for supper, and mango w/ ice cream for desert. No water mellow like the last two nights.

Boring nothing TV - found the Roku controller (after it was missing for a month and a half), but nothing on there either.

Egroup ar discussion family letters, junk, what to do with, what to throw out - after we saw / discovered Jackson Day's dad's trunk in a museum in Shanghai.

Was that listing of events, or some more?

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